Why our Seattle dental office LOVES Invisalign!
Our Seattle dental team at Amato Dental Group has offered Invisalign since 2005; we have completed over 300 cases and are Premier Preferred Providers. In the past 10 years it is the most fun and practice changing procedure that we perform. Not often do patients enjoy coming to the dentist, however they enjoy their Invisalign appointments.
Invisalign has allowed Drs. LeCuyer, Amato & Guerrero to provide a service that many people desire and want; straight, healthy, functioning, esthetic, white teeth. Often many adults suffer from periodontal disease and a poor bite (malocclusion). These problems are caused or exacerbated by poorly positioned and crooked teeth. Invisalign often addresses these issues.
There are two options to straighten teeth; traditional metal braces or the clear solution to straightening teeth, Invisalign. For many years, adults have suffered from the indignity of crooked and malpositioned teeth feeling hopeless because they thought their only option was traditional orthodontics. Invisalign hit the market and changed everything. Now adults and teens alike, can straighten teeth without the use of brackets and wires. This option is much more appealing to adults. Adults can straighten their teeth and no one will know. Invisalign clear aligners are practically imperceptible except to the discerning eye.
Once you start Invisalign, you will see your dentist every 6-8 weeks to verify aligner fit and progress along with receiving more aligners. Each aligner is worn for 2 weeks, 22 hours per day. They are removed to eat, brush and floss. The aligners apply low grade, constant pressure to gently move the teeth. It is truly an incredible procedure. Adults often lament how long Invisalign can take to straighten teeth. We can now offer two procedures to expedite teeth movement, Propel and Acceledent. Dr. Paul Amato will describe these procedures in an upcoming blog.
We feel that no dentistry is the best dentistry and Invisalign follows this tenet. Aligning teeth is the most conservative way to achieve a healthy, white smile that functions and lasts your entire life, of course with night time retainer wear. Straight, white teeth will take 10 years off without invasive procedures. Often as adults, if our teeth are malpositioned, they will wear, stain, chip, break, fracture and the gums will recede. After aligning the teeth, in order to restore them to their ideal beauty, the teeth will need whitening, composite bonding or veneers to take full advantage of Invisalign.
Call our Seattle dental practice to schedule a complimentary Invisalign consultation today with Drs. LeCuyer, Amato or Guerrero at Amato Dental Group – 206-626-5400.